These are puppies born on Jan. 5, 2009. They will be raised by Canine Companions for Indepence puppy raisers. I just thought they were so cute. Hope this brightens your day. My favorite is the dog sleeping on his/her back.
I'm an Aquarius who was raised a Roman Catholic in Minnesota. I've managed to overcome the religion and the state. I've lived in California for 40 years. I retired in 2007 and became a quilter and appliquer. Never thought I would find the medium that would let me express my artistic feelings. I love vivid color. In addition, I'm a locavore, foraging for food to keep my husband and me healthy and to help local farmers. I live in Northern California on five acres.
And MUSH! There goes my heart.
I'm so allergic to dogs that it isn't even funny - but the puppies do indeed make my heart skip a beat.
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