Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Yes, Cats Can Swim

Kerry, Harleen, Nora and Georgio went for a walk this morning to see if we had any rain damage. None found.

But Georgio decided to take a short cut to get back to the pack. He mistook the red algae on the lower pond for dirt. He leaped, landed in the water and paddled furiously to shore. I tried to get a picture of him; he looked like a drowned cat. He won't sit still long enough to have the picture be in focus.

Nora is now working on getting him cleaned up. So now you know, cats can swim.

The quilt pictured here is one I finished for a class I'm taking; it's only 36"x36". The title of the pattern is "romantic." I think mine looks more "frantic." I don't think the teacher is going to be very happy with me. Oh well, live and learn.
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Anonymous said...

I've seen a cat swim too.
They're survialists. :)

Oklahoma Girl said...

I like the quilt. Thanks for the Twitter on local growers. I am going to check out our local farmers' market as well as some that I found online. I am really getting back into the organic mode as well as going quasi-vegetarian. I was vegetarian for 20 yrs then my endocrinologist told me my proteins were very low & to eat meat. So I did, but have been slowly cutting back for the last couple of years. I eat buffalo, fish, & organic turkey at home. Occasionally a steak when we go out, but mostly fish. I am feeling much better. So fruits * vegetable in season are on my list. I have a vacuum sealer so I will be using that also (thanks for that tip).

Have a great day!!

Blessed be...

Kristin - The Goat said...

I bet that was quite a sight. Poor kitty. You are right - your quilt does look a bit frantic LOL