Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Oreo" Cows

 I really like cows. There is just something about them that is so cute. I know, I know, they smell horrible, etc, etc. We have a herd of them living behind us on 180 acres. Actually this year we have a new herd. The guy who used to lease the land got fed up with the cost of his lease and took his cows elsewhere. For a couple of months we were cowless. But now there is a new herd and it contains one of my favorite cows, which is shown here. I call them "oreo" cows. There is probably some other name, but I prefer my name for them. She's the only "oreo" in the herd. The pasture in which they graze is probably the Ritz-Carlton of cow pastures. There is lots of shade and the ground remains damp for much of the year due to run off from ponds. So if you are a cow, this is about as good as it gets. Well, until the truck comes to take you to the slaughterhouse. Posted by Picasa

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