A trip to China would not be complete without a visit to a Traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacy. We visited the Tong Ren Tang, which is located on the edge of Tianeman Square and has been serving the Chinese since 1644 when it became the pharmacist to the Qing Dynasty. We had our three pulses taken by a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor. He then asked us, through an interpretor, a few questions and finally prescribed medicine for us. With me he was right on. He said I had stomach problems resulting in acid reflux. Bingo. He did the same thing with Kerry. He said he had energy and immune problems. We both came away with two bottles of pills each. Mine are shown in the photo. I take 30 pellets from each bottle twice a day after meals. Kerry is lucky enough to have one prescription that only requires two tablets but the other one is 30 little pellets. We have been taking them for two weeks and my acid reflux is gone. Plus I feel better. We won't know if Kerry's has had any affect until he has his next platelet blood test.
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